La dulce canción del abandono a la providencia divina

The Lord sings a sweet song in Jean-Pierre de Caussade’s classic, “Abandonment to Divine Providence.” The path of peace is continual submission to God. “The only condition necessary for us is self-surrender to God in the present moment and then our soul becomes light as a feather, fluid as water, innocent as a child, and responds to every movement of grace like a floating balloon.”

The Rule of St. Benedict

The Rule was written by Benedict of Nursia circa 530 for a monastic community. 1,500 years later The Rule is still being followed by Benedictine monks and oblates and other Christian monastics. How can this ancient document for monks be relevant to “nonreligious” Christians today? We might think that a monastery is disconnected from society, but…

Serve What You’re Cooking

The number one problem that pastors and ministry leaders have is neglecting the care of their own souls under God. My analysis of the many research studies on “Pastor Stress Statistics” is that when pastors suffer from emotional pain, burnout, or diminished effectiveness in their ministry it’s because they haven’t invested wisely in their own…