Inventario de Heridas Emocionales de tu Madre o Padre

¿Cómo fue atendido cuando era niño? ¿Qué tan bien se cumplieron sus necesidades? ¿Cuáles fueron sus primeras experiencias en sus relaciones con sus padres y familia? Y ¿cómo afectó esto a su personalidad, identidad y vida de ahí en adelante? Heridas relacionales son más perjudiciales cuando somos más jóvenes. Éstas pueden provenir de un padre…

Family Map Survey

We developed this simply Family Map Survey in the year 2000 for our work with parents of young families. The questions in this Family Map Survey can help you to assess the quality of relational connecting and structure (boundaries) in your family of origin. If you have children you can also use the Family Map Survey…

Internet Addiction Test

We offer a free Internet Addiction Test to help you see if you (or a loved one) might have an Internet addiction and need help breaking free. I developed the acronym “A-N  A-D-D-I-C-T” as a simple screening tool to identify compulsive behavior problems. Here it’s applied to Internet use, which refers to whatever you do online including…

Personality Test

We find the Myers’ Briggs Type Indicator to be the most helpful personality test. There are many versions of the test to get your profile. We found one online that’s free! The Myers Briggs is a powerful tool for understanding your God-given personality and that of your loved ones or co-workers. It’s simple and yet very…

Stress Overload Inventory

Pastors and other leaders are especially vulnerable to stress overload, as well as to burnout, because it’s difficult to set boundaries when leading a ministry or caring for people in need pastors. Research on pastors and pastor’s wives have shown that they suffer from extreme stress, painful struggles, and often burnout. Stress Overload is from being chronically overstressed or going…