Stress Overload Inventory

Pastors and other leaders are especially vulnerable to stress overload, as well as to burnout, because it’s difficult to set boundaries when leading a ministry or caring for people in need pastors. Research on pastors and pastor’s wives have shown that they suffer from extreme stress, painful struggles, and often burnout. Stress Overload is from being chronically overstressed or going…

The Soul of a Leader Needs Shepherding

When the shepherds in our churches and Christian organizations are depressed, overstressed, or struggling with compulsive behavior, then the sheep they care for suffer. If pastors are not growing in their own intimacy with Jesus, then their ministry to others is diminished.  If ministry leaders are not setting aside ministry demands regularly to be still with…

El ministerio comienza con el descanso

Hemos estado proporcionando asistencia, consejo y oración a pastores y otros siervos de Cristo por un número de años. Una de las cosas más importantes que hacemos es ayudarles a descansar en Dios. Cada pastor y líder de ministerio, ¡sé que comienza con el que se mira en el espejo! – Necesita más del reposo…