Jesus’ Sabbath Days

What were Jesus’ personal Sabbath days like? He went to the synagogue and rested (alone or with a few friends), which included him taking walks through grain fields or by the lake and having conversations with people. Something we often see Jesus do on Sabbath days is to respond to the needs of the people…

Notes From “An Unhurried Life”

Readers of our Soul Shepherding Devotionals will know that being unhurried with Jesus is a theme I often write about. That’s because hurry is such a problem for many of us. So I was thankful to have Alan Fadling, a friend and colleague of mine, give a talk for a group of pastors and leaders on his new book, An Unhurried Life: Following Jesus’ Rhythms of Work and Rest. Here are my notes.

Sin piedad elimine la prisa

Un ejecutivo muy estresado de un ministerio sin fines de lucro me preguntó: “¿Cómo puedo ser un mejor líder para Cristo?” “No andes de prisa”, le contesté. Le repetí las palabras que mi mentor Dallas Willard me dijo en una clase de seminario, le dije: “Hay que eliminar despiadadamente toda prisa de su vida.” ¡Sin…

Primeros pensamientos de la mañana

Hace diez años, al final de una de mis reuniones de dirección espiritual mensuales con Ray Ortlund Sr. El sonrió brillantemente y me instó, como hacía a menudo, “¡Bill, ser todo y solamente para Jesús!” Entonces Ray me animó a leer la Vida Juntos por Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Debo decirle que siempre que Ray hizo alguna…