The Soul of a Leader Needs Shepherding

When the shepherds in our churches and Christian organizations are depressed, overstressed, or struggling with compulsive behavior, then the sheep they care for suffer. If pastors are not growing in their own intimacy with Jesus, then their ministry to others is diminished.  If ministry leaders are not setting aside ministry demands regularly to be still with…

Una oración por los Pastores (y otros que ministran a la gente)

¿Qué se siente después de ministrar a los demás? Muchas personas luchan con la duda o la autocrítica. Los pastores pueden preguntarse si ellos predicaron un buen sermón. Líderes de los grupos pequeños pueden cuestionar su eficacia. Los consejeros y cuidadores sienten podría sentirse inseguro pensando si dije lo correcto. Cualquier persona que sirve a…

Jesus Set Boundaries

We talk with pastors, leaders, counselors, parents and other care-givers who are struggling to be “cheerful givers” (2 Corinthians 9:7). In their helping of others they’ve become tired, stressed, or burned out. Problems with setting boundaries are a main reason why many pastors and leaders experience overwhelming ministry stress and eventually burnout. Most people are…