Caring for People who Cut Themselves (Help for Self-Injury)

Years ago I was responsible for training volunteer telephone counselors for an international Christian ministry. We were getting 150 calls a day from adults and teenagers who were in crisis, hurting in some other way, or needing prayer. Some of the young people who called were struggling with cutting themselves. This frightened some of our…

Forgive and Be Set Free!

“Forgive and forget,” some say. “Just let it go to God and move on,” urge others. Often it’s not that easy. Maybe you grew up in a family in which it wasn’t okay to express anger. Or the pain and violation seem too great. Or you’re not sure how to forgive. Read on and you’ll…

The Jesus Burn: a Blessed Experience of God’s Presence

Have you experienced the “Jesus burn”? Do you know what it’s like to feel God’s presence in your body? Perhaps your heart has been warmed by God’s peace. Or on the back of your neck and shoulders you’ve felt tingly with the Spirit’s blessing or “anointing” when you were being prayed for or seeking God…

Live from the Center: Old Wisdom from Thomas Kelly for Today

Our lives today are cluttered and crowded. The list of responsibilities that we feel we must accomplish grows overnight like Jack’s beanstalk! We keep taking on more and more until before we know it we are bowed down with burdens, panting through a never-ending program of projects to complete, people to meet, and places to…

Soul Talk: Inviting God into your Conversations

We long for soul talk with a friend that helps us experience God’s presence. You can facilitate these life-giving spiritual conversations. I’ve been doing this for many years, not only in my ministry as a Psychologist and Spiritual Director, but also in my marriage and friendships. I love to elevate conversations into experiences of soul…