Aelred de Rievaulx: Amistad spiritual

Cuando Kristi y yo hicimos nuestro entrenamiento para el certificado de dirección espiritual de dos años con el Instituto de Liderazgo en 2007 completamos una serie de registros de lectura de los libros que leimos. Esta es una herramienta útil para el estudio de un libro y la grabación de sus citas favoritas. Hemos incorporado…

A & B Conflict Resolution Tool

Here’s a little tool that offers BIG help for resolving conflicts in marriage and other relationships: “When You Do ‘A’ I Feel ‘B.’” It’s a method for “speaking the truth in love”(Ephesians 4:15). Kristi and I have used this approach for many years personally and in our marriage counseling with couples. (Also Henry Cloud and…

Jesus, Psychotherapy Research, and Life Change

Some people who seek help with personal struggles from a counselor get help resolving their problems while others do not. Some clients in psychotherapy overcome depression and anxiety. Some couples in marriage counseling resolve their differences. Some alcoholics in AA learn to live sober and healthy lives. Some people being discipled by their pastor learn…